Ogamo no Nushi (小鴨主)

OGAMO no Nushi (dates of birth and death unknown) was the earliest ancestor of the Ogamo clan, who were from Ogamo-go, Kume County, Hoki Province, and was a figure who was recorded in the "Ogamo family tree." According to the description in the family tree, he was a figure around the Taika Reforms in the Asuka period.

The Ogamo clan having the longest history in Hoki Province, served as zaichokanjin (local official) at kokuga (provincial government office compounds) in the later periods, holding power over the eastern part of Hoki Province until their fall after the Battle of Sekigahara. There are no records that show what clan was the Ogamo like before the appearance of OGAMO no Nushi, but they seem to have maintained power for considerably many years as a local ruling family.

According to the "Ogamo family tree," Emperor Tenchi granted the title "Ogamo" to OGAMO no Nushi, whose years of birth and death are unknown, with the rank of jushii (junior fourth rank) in 665, and he was allowed to become a member of the Office of Waka. It is recorded that he started performing Gosechi no mai Dance in 677? and composing poems in 685.

In the family tree, the names and titles of his descendants are not referred to for 14 generations as unknown, but it is mentioned that the ninth in the line of grandsons of OGAMO no Nushi became jingikan (officer of the institution for dedicating to religious ceremony) in the reign of Emperor Uda.

[Original Japanese]